Hammy's Slideshow

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Maui Wowie

You aren't going to believe this -- Karl and Mom are spending at least another night in Maui. He's back in the emergency room at the hospital and they're going to keep him overnight. His kidneys are acting up and his blood pressure is low again. Medical personnel, Karl and Mom all agreed that his kidney function is too important to risk a 14-hour day in planes/airports. He's pretty bummed. But in typical Karl fashion he said, "I guess Maui doesn't want me to leave." He's feeling okay, although very tired.

The past two days he's spent lounging around in his hotel room. Yesterday and today he ate well and drank plenty of water. As today progressed, his kidneys were not processing the water, which alarmed him. I'm so glad he sought help. He called cousin Trese, RN, who advised him to visit the ER. We were hoping a little lasix would take care of the situation. Unfortunately his creatinine level is back up to 4 which is a signal his kidneys are working too hard. Karl didn't have any more information as far as what they're going to do to help him.

Anyway prayer warriors, we need your help...still. Thank you for everything. I'll keep you posted.


Addendum 1: I heard from Mom about 8 a.m., 2 a.m. Maui time. He's back in ICU and is hooked up to myriad IV bags. He has some sort of infection. They're not sure what it is, but they're trying to get to the bottom of it. His kidneys are now doing what they're supposed to be doing. His blood pressure was dangerously low again. One of the nurses told him it was a good thing he didn't get on the plane. With his blood pressure as low as it was, Karl was told he probably would have quit breathing on the plane. Yikes! Anyway, it seems that both Karl and Mom have gone from upset about not being able to come home, to thankful they stayed. I'm thankful they can roll with the punches. And when you think about it, Karl's been through a lot worse.

Addendum 2: Just talked to Mom. It's 11:15 a.m. there. Karl's kidneys seem to be working well right now. They are not sure of the source of the infection, but Mom said they will definitely get to the bottom of it this time. They don't think it's pneumonia. Rex, the RN, said it could even be his port. She said Karl has tubes running everywhere, but he's very comfortable and resting well. Mom said she wouldn't be surprised if they kept him another week. Oy.

Mom got about two hours of shut-eye last night. She's still very optimistic and said she'd make up for it tonight when she leaves the hospital early. As I write this she's checking out of one room and into another at the hotel. They have been absolutely wonderful there. The shuttle driver who took them to the hospital last night, Scotty, asked her what was going on when he saw her. When she told him, he said, "Come here; you need a hug." Then he told her if he had room, he'd let her stay with him. Scotty has also offered to make special runs for both Karl and Mom. Of course Karl has already asked for McDonald's. Rex (the nurse) actually dropped her off at the hotel after his shift ended early this morning.

Some of you have asked how Mom is doing. She said her attitude is this: Karl's the one who has to go through it. If he can do it, it's no big deal for her. What a superwoman she is.

Love and blessings to all.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that Karl has had such a rough way to go... I am sending all my angels and sending loads of prayers for a fast recovery..Im sure your mom has been a great help to Karl. You are a great story teller.. You need to write a book Kerry. You are so very talented. I love you and your family and am hoping that everything will be better tomorrow...Becky

Anonymous said...

Your mom is a super woman...When we look for the good in people we find it.. There are wonderful people out there. More good then bad.. keep the faith...Love ya, Becky