I'm happy to announce Karl is out of the hospital and is happily settling in to his hotel room near Kahului. Karl's creatinine levels are near normal. His white blood cell count was a tad bit high, but the doctor released him under the condition that Karl see a doctor immediately if there was any sign of fever. Karl readily agreed. He was growing pretty tired of the hospital setting.
On the way to the hotel, Karl asked the shuttle driver if there was a McDonald's nearby. Not only did the driver know of one, he took a detour so Karl could get a Big Mac. Pretty nice! The rainy weather has precluded Mom and Karl from enjoying a pool-side session today, but they are looking forward to being outdoors tomorrow and Wednesday.
Their journey back home begins at 9 p.m. Wednesday night (3 a.m. Thursday our time) and they will hopefully be back in the comfort of their home by 6:30 p.m. Thursday, exhausted, but extremely happy to be home. What a trip this has been!! I'll be sure to let you know when he's home.
Again I want to reiterate how thankful I am for your prayers and concern. Blessings to you all.
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