Hammy's Slideshow

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Impatient inpatient

I haven't had access to a computer for the past couple days, but wanted to give you an update on Karl. He was moved to a regular room on Thursday. His creatinine count is 3.3 and dropping and he's a bit anemic. Both of these issues are functions of his kidneys. Doctors believe a bit of Procrit may help his system and at the very least will help increase his hemoglobin numbers.

Karl's voice is much stronger and he really Really REALLY wants to get out of the hospital. But we've been reminding him that we want him to be strong enough to be able to handle a 14-hour day of flying and airports. The inpatient is very impatient.

Mom intends to leave Maui on Tuesday with a Detroit arrival on Wednesday afternoon. (My daughter Nikki is getting married May 1 and she wants to be home for that). We're praying Karl can make the same flight. We've been discussing all kinds of options, but until we know if/when Karl will be discharged, concrete plans can't be made.

Please pray that Karl's health (specifically his kidneys) continue to improve and that his patience not wear too thin.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

prayers will continue for you all, and especially Karl's kidneys!!! I would like a dance with him at the wedding:)...Love you all