Hammy's Slideshow

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Count down

Just a brief update to let you know Karl's counts are going down/getting better every day thanks to your continued prayers. He's been told the IV will come out on Monday and he's hopeful he'll be released from the hospital then. He's also been moved to an ocean view room. I'm not sure it's making his stay any easier, but I do know he's very thankful to be alive -- it was a close call.

Carol Partridge and Mom moved out of their timeshare unit on the northwest side of Maui today. Carol departs for the mainland about 9 p.m. -- 3 a.m. our time. Mom will be moving into a hotel closer to the hospital (near Kahului) and she'll also be turning in the rental car. Fortunately the hotel has a shuttle that runs from the hotel to the hospital and the airport and in reverse. They probably won't find out until Monday about flight arrangements, but the social worker said she's shooting for departure on Wednesday, which means they'll be home probably Thursday morning. We're hoping Karl and Mom have a couple days to enjoy the north side of the island before they come home.

Mahalo for your prayers and concern.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The postings have been so informative and helpful. Prayers for all will be heard and answered. Get home safely on the wings of friends and the friendly skies. Love to all, Thank you Kerry for the updates. Trese