Hammy's Slideshow

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Surgery is scheduled

We have a surgery date. It will be Wednesday, July 16. This date brings along with it mixed feelings for Karl and the rest of the family. On one hand, he is nervous, apprehensive and downright frightened about what's to come. He'd be crazy if he wasn't.

On the other hand, July 16 will be the beginning of the end of his climb to the summit of the hill. He is really eager to have this tumor removed and have his spine reconstructed in order to begin the process of recovery and rehabilitation.

On Thursday we went for one final check-up with Dr. Scheutze before surgery. We were very happy to learn the tumor had shrunk about one centimeter! Chemo Sabe is sure doing its job. Of course it's also made him a bit anemic and he had to get a unit of blood, but that's become a fairly normal side effect.

I think it's time I reveal to you that when we initally met with Dr. Scheutze, he told us there was a 33 percent chance the chemotherapy would increase the size of the tumor, a 33 percent chance it would stay the same size and a 33 percent chance that it would shrink. Needless to say, that made us all pretty nervous. However, I have absolutely no doubt that your prayers and God's grace put is in the "shrinkage" category. Thank you and mostly, thank God!

Today, Karl flew to Washington, D.C. to the National Institute of Health (NIH) to undergo another battery of tests. This time it's for study purposes. Since the type of cancer he has affects only one percent of adults with cancer, the NIH wants to learn more about it. He will have a PET scan among many other tests. I'm sure it's to see if the particular chemotherapy protocol he has undergone is the best way to kill the cancer cells. Karl is eager to help others with sarcomas and especially peripheral nerve sheath tumors. He was told Thursday that it will probably be 20 years before they see another patient with a tumor in the same location as Karl's.

He will be home tomorrow, long enough to pack and ready himself for the 10-hour drive on Thursday to Rochester, Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic. He has appointments with the various surgical teams scheduled for Friday, Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday evening, he checks in for pre-surgical procedures and then very early on Wednesday the surgery begins.

Since I know some of you will be anxious to hear news, any news, I will try to give you updates via this blog as soon as I get any information. Wednesday will surely be a grueling, long, anxious, hand-wringing, nail-biting (if I could think of more adjectives I'd put them here) day. But to keep me busy that day, I took the remainder of Karl's hat photos last night. I sure hope I get the captions right. Karl has already caught a few mistakes on the ones I've already posted. Bear with me...I'll correct them, hopefully. If not, please let me know, okay?

In the meantime, I have heard some of you have tried to post on this blog to no avail. If that's the case, feel free to email messages and words of encouragement to Karl. I don't know that I'll be able to respond to each email personally, but I will certainly relay your message. The email address is hamiltonsmith.family@gmail.com.

Mom and I will be staying in an apartment about 13 blocks from St. Mary's Hospital where Karl's surgery and recovery will take place. That address is:
211 First St. NE
Rochester, MN 55906-3712

Finally, some of you have asked how Karl is doing. I think Karl is coping with all of this by looking beyond this year. He's thinking that in 2009 and 2010 he'll look back and say, "Boy, 2008 wasn't a very good year for old Karl. I'm glad I got through that." Your support, friendship, words of encouragement, yard care, meals, cards, hats, lawn mowing, donations and prayers have lifted him up and helped him so much...you'll never know. We are so thankful and we all feel your love.

God's Blessings,


In sickness, sorrow, want, or care,
Each other's burdens help us share;
May we, where help is needed, there
Give help as though to You.
And may Your Holy Spirit move
All those who live to live in love.


Anonymous said...

Hi Karl!
We are back down here at the Med Inn at the U of M Hospital for chemo #5...and we sure miss you and your wonderful family. The nurses even put us in "your chair" for the next 3 days. Your absence, however, means things are progressing for you. It is great to hear the good news on your blog --that you continue to be part of a national/probably international study, that your tumor shrunk a bit, and that your surgery is finally scheduled.

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you, and they'll be even more frequent in the upcoming weeks.

Buena suerte, amigo!!

Gary and Sue Knight
Mt. Pleasant

Anonymous said...

Hi Karl!
We love you sooooo much! We hope your surgery goes well. We love you soo much and miss you too!

Love, Elizabeth Taylor and Brian!

Al & Linda Vanderpool said...

Hi Karl,
God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. God is already at Mayo awaiting your arrival and offers assistance and comfort to you and your family for your surgery and recovery. Bless you and all of your loving family. Hear our prayers.
Al & Linda