Hammy's Slideshow

Friday, July 25, 2008

Back on track

Thought you'd all be happy to hear that Karl is doing much better today. He's still in ICU because they may have to irrigate and debride his incision again tomorrow (which is not atypical) and they want to closely monitor it as well as his pain. He’s been smiling and cracking jokes with Jodi, his nurse as well as Mom and me. However his back, and specifically his incision (probably the packing), is giving him a lot of pain.

Deb, the reiki practitioner, recently made a visit. She worked on him for quite awhile and it calmed Karl significantly, lowered his blood pressure and heart rate and relieved some of his pain.

Despite the setback last night, he’s still making progress. Karl began taking medications by mouth today and they’ve graduated him to “real” food… no more protein drinks through the feeding tube…for right now anyway. They are also giving him some blood because his hemoglobin was down a bit. That will make him feel better as well.

Karl may stay in ICU for the weekend, which is a comfort to us because he will be monitored very closely. Of course that allows us to sleep better. After last night, Mom and I could both use a little more of that.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.




Anonymous said...

Yipee - this is good news!!! The three of us are smiling for you and your family! :) Hugs around!

Thank you God!!

Charlotte - Eric - Rayah

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Kerry and Suzie, Im at work right now and just read about todays events. Sounds so good to hear things are better. Tell Karl that Im praying for him and that Im glad to see that he still has a sense of humor. Tell him that I love him and that Im so happy things are going well...Love Becky

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear Karl is back on track! I was worried a little yesterday but feel so much better after reading this recent report! Let Karl know we are thinking of him often and know he can do this! We'll be in touch!
Love, friendship, & prayers to all of you!
Elizabeth, Taylor, & Brian!

Anonymous said...

Thank the Good Lord---I was scared, too. Didn't tell Uncle t--he worries more than I do anymore.
Give Karl a kiss on the cheek and tell him we love him and the prayers continue.
Love to both of your too, Kerry and Suz. auntie b