We just came back from visiting Karl. He is on a ventilator and resting. We know that he finally got back in his room about 4 a.m. He opened his eyes and knew we were there. He wanted to talk, but when he tried it made him uncomfortable. He reached for our hands, moved his legs and feet. His nurse, Lance (who happens to be from Marquette, MI), said he wiggles his fingers and toes when asked. We know they are keeping him very comfortable, yet conscious. There is a nurse in his room 24/7. We didn't feel we should stay because you could tell he wanted to talk and we had to keep trying to calm him. His vitals are good and if all stays the same, they will remove the tumor tomorrow and if he remains strong, they will also do the reconstructive surgery.
One of the things Karl has talked about the past few years is a Mini Cooper. He loves them. He rambles on about the facts and figures, the performance record, the fact that the S series is a bit faster, but gets less gas mileage, blah, blah, blah. He wants a red and white one. They are ranked 5th best in gas mileage. Am I getting my point across? The guy is freakishly crazy about Mini Coopers. In fact, he was obsessing over Mini Coopers prior to surgery. Everytime we saw a Mini Cooper here in Rochester, he'd point it out. We had to park next to one at Walmart one day so he could check it out. Well, today I whispered that he'd have a Mini Cooper in no time. His eyes opened, eyebrows arched, and he lifted his head. I guess major surgery, a ventilator, and drugs that completely numb one's body, cannot make Karl forget about a Mini Cooper.
Thank you one and all for the love you've shown. Keep on trucking (or should I say, Mini Coopering) and keep praying.
We love you right back,
Glad to hear that eveything with my friend Karl are well for now. I know this has been long & grueling on all of you. I just want you to know that Karl, you & your family are in my family's prayers daily. Karl has become trully a part or our family & we miss & love him very much!
Love Tina & The Boys
Mini Cooper eh? You all keep on keeping On! Stay Strong!
Love,Hugs and Prayers,
Susie, Kerry, Randy, and Karl,
I have been really, really thinking of you. Last night I was with Cathy Breeze and we prayed together and really talked about all of you and what you have to go through. We send all of you our love and prayers that Karl is coming through the surgery good. Love, Rosemarie
Thank God, Thank God, THANK GOD!! This little family of three is sending out a big "WOO-HOO" and are so happy that you got to see him and he to see you! We know there's a lot to do yet, but this boy has strength and so does his family!!
Mini's are cool......but do you think Karl's gonna need one of those es-car-go dealies on top of it for all of his hats?? ;) lol
Maybe the dealie will be bigger than the car!! Now there's a visual.....oh my!!!
We love ya!!!
Praise God!!
It was so good to get the report today and know that all has went according to plan.
Continous prayer for all of you here.
It is so wonderful to read this blog site and see God's hand as he supplies our needs.
We love you without measure. Whisper is Karls ear how much he's loved from all of us!!!
Hey Hamilton's - okay, a Smith, too!! /thinking about you all while in North Carolina. Glad to read that all is going well. Keep the faith and know that all of you are in our prayers and thoughts every day. We've got the GOOD GUY on our side. Prayer is a powerful thing and WE ALL can win this up hill battle. We are pushing for you!! Take care of one another.
Hugs & Prayers,
BLOG WITHDRAWL!!! Kerry- I have been away all day and have been thinking of you all constantly. So glad to find good news posted!!
Our love and prayers continue to come your way.
comment #5 is from me, Marcy. Forgot to sign. I'm lovin you guys bunches and bunches
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