Karl's labs are better than they've been in almost a year. Doctors are thinking Karl doesn't produce enough of the protein albumin. Albumin helps the body to absorb fluid and may be why he constantly needs a bolus of I.V. fluid to up his volume. They are going to study that further and may be able to improve those levels with a supplement of some sort. We were also told Karl needs a new Roho cushion and power chair so that the skin on his rear doesn't break down as easily. His backside will be mapped on Monday to figure out the pressure points. After that and if no other culture grows, we could be looking at Tuesday or Wednesday for a discharge date.
Today, however, the infectious disease doctors reported that they, unfortunately, found another type of bacteria. It is a slow-growing bug and I.V. antibiotics are effective, but there are no pills to keep it under control. We don't know what exactly Dr. Yaszemski will recommend. We're pretty sure he wants to avoid taking out the hardware because that's major surgery. And if Karl can't get along without the hardware, it will require another surgery to put it back in and at least a month or two of hospitalization to recuperate.
Dr. Y is gone until Monday. We know whatever he decides will be in Karl's best interest. When we find out, I'll let you know.
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