Hammy's Slideshow

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Phew Photos

I don't really have a lot of new information to share, but Karl's PET scan is tomorrow and we're praying the tumor is very localized so they can map an easy cyberknife radiation course for him. He will probably have the scan sometime before noon, but we're not real sure.

Karl's liver enzymes are still elevated. Doctors are pretty sure they will plateau and then begin declining. They think his liver is having a reaction to Tylenol and/or one of his antibiotics, but it could take 3-5 days for it to decline. If it doesn't they'll take other antibiotics away until they come up with the culprit. I asked if we should worry and doctors said we shouldn't.

We've also been told they may move Karl down to the third floor rehabilitation area next week. He'll need some stretching and exercising before he's able to come home. I've heard release dates ranging from next Friday (doubtful) to the first part of September. I'm sure the PET scan will give us more answers, but I doubt they come before Monday. Regardless, the move down to the 3rd floor is a move in the right direction.

Now, rather than writing anything else, I thought you'd like to have a look around Karl's room and see the wonderful nurse he's had the past few days, Jenna. She is a sweetheart! Then again, the entire nursing staff is wonderful and treat us all so well.

Love and blessings,


Karl's nurse several days this week, Jenna.

Mom and I went to the Mall of America yesterday for a few hours. It's huge!

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