Hammy's Slideshow

Friday, July 23, 2010

They're naming babies after him

The huge stained-glass archway at the entrance of St. Mary's Hospital. This has no significance to this post, but I thought it was pretty.

Karl was transferred to the 8th floor orthopedic wing today after his CT-scan and biopsy. They decided to anesthetize him for the procedure because it would have been very painful. When Karl got back to the room, he was still in a little pain, but glad to get back in his Clinitron sand/air bed. He was also surprised to be in the exact same room as he was two years ago.

Earlier today his ICU nurse, Tiffany, explained a few things to us. Nothing has grown from any of the cultures they've taken. They think maybe Karl was very dehydrated, which is what caused his blood pressure to drop and his heart to race. Yet they are still going to keep the cultures growing. Tiffany is cute as a button and expecting a baby girl on October 20, two days before Karl's birthday. Karl mentioned that he thought it would be nice if she named her baby after him. "You could name your baby Karla, Karlene or Karley." First she said if she had the baby on the 22nd, she'd consider naming it after Karl. Then she giggled and said, "I kind of like Karley, but I'm going to have to run it past my husband, of course." Only Karl could get a complete stranger to think about naming their baby after him.

Before he went to get the biopsy and scan, he also had an ECG while still in the ICU. The tech said his enzymes were a little off -- nothing to worry about -- and his ejection fraction was a little below normal, but that isn't surprising because his heart isn't necessarily being asked to do strenuous activities these days. I think they're doing it as a pre-surgical procedure...in case they have to do surgery.

The word "surgery" has been bantered about plenty these days, but there certainly have been no decisions made. However, they've talked about taking a flap of skin from his buttock to put over the decube next to it. They've also talked about whirlpools and wound vacs. Plastics have also talked about putting a flap on his right heel. Today Karl was told by the plastic surgeons that the bone in his heel was, indeed, exposed. Until they come to a conclusion about how to best tackle the problem, probably Monday after they've had time to analyze all his tests, scans and results, he's going to kick back and chillax. But we're praying Praying PRAYING the biopsy shows the mass is something benign and that a solution for Karl's issues can be found without needing radical surgery and recovery time.

I hope you'll all pray for the same.

Love and blessings,


P.S. Mom got along okay today. Her knee's a bit stiff and sore, but the brace helped quite a bit. When Monday rolls around, we'll give Megan down in PT a call to see if she can recommend anything to help. In the meantime, she's still icing, keeping it elevated and braced.


Anonymous said...

Kerry, thanks for the update on Karl and Susie, thank goodness she is better.
I will agree with you about no surgery will be needed and that the mass is benign. God's word says "where two or more agree as touching something it will be done by our father in heaven" not the exact quote but close enough. I am sure that many more will agree with us on this. We can also agree that the Holy Spirit will give the doctors,nurses, & techs. perfect wisdom about Karl's case.

Thank goodness he is where he is.
We will continue to pray for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Just read your post, and I sure hope Karl can avoid surgery. I don't know how much one persons body can take. But it appears Karl is stronger than a ton of people. Give him a hug for me. Also Susie my love to you, and take good care of that knee.