Hammy's Slideshow

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In the right place

The Mayo Clinic is an incredibly organized system with very friendly mid-western people all along the way. Karl checked in to the Charlton Building for an MRI at 8 a.m. Upon check-in they did a blood test. His creatinine count was a bit high (3.0) so they couldn't use the contrast dye, but nonetheless, they got it done.

In the meantime, Mom and I did some shopping at the little store in the Gonda Building. Then we returned back to the Charlton Building and a few minutes later, Karl appeared.

Then we went to the Hilton Building (named for its benefactor, Conrad Hilton) where Karl had more blood drawn. From there we headed to the Mayo Clinic Store where Mom and Karl both loaded up on bandages and other supplies.

Next we headed to the 15th floor of the Gonda Building to see Dr. Brogan. He is a young resident who talked about many different options including surgery to remove the rods and screws in Karl's back. He said they were put there until the donor bones put there two years ago could mesh in place. But he also talked about the enlargement of a schwannoma that doctors told us about 2 years ago. It's higher up in his back. At that time they weren't concerned. However, this time they are.

Dr. Brogan said it would probably be best to admit Karl so that the spot on his back could be biopsied and other tests could be performed. He told us it was a call for Dr. Yaszemski and that he'd be there to see us soon. Then he said something that I thought offered a pretty good explanation of why things are happening the way they are for Karl. He said, "Perhaps it was good it worked out the way it did. We were able to discover the spot early on. Who knows if that would have been the case just a few short months ago." That was so comforting. It seems like Karl's journey up and over hills the past two years has had many episodes of divine intervention.

In the 4 hours we waited for Dr. Y to show (we are not complaining...in fact, we are still so grateful he'd take the time to see us), Karl mentioned that he was not happy with us. He told us he didn't think it was very nice of us to go shopping without him when he was nice enough to include us on his "vacation." Through all of this, Karl's sense of humor astounds me.

Dr. Y showed up about 4 p.m. and told Karl he'd like to admit him. It would expedite testing and they'd be able to come up with a plan of action sooner. Karl agreed. They are concerned about Karl's antibiotic allergies, his low-functioning kidneys and the fact that he's on steroids, which slows the healing process. The blood test also revealed that Karl may either have an infection or something is causing an irritation. Infectious disease doctors and Dr. Mardini, who was Karl's plastic surgeon 2 years ago, will be involved in Karl's case. But through all of this, Dr. Y was confident there would be a good solution. Dr. Y also told us nothing would be done until at least Monday in terms of surgery because he is flying to Toronto where he will be speaking at a medical symposium. However, he'd be in to see Karl tomorrow. Then he gave Karl his cell phone number. Oh boy.

Karl has since gone on to tell us that Dr. Y also told him he'd like to have him over for Christmas because he knows our family doesn't spend much on him, that he'd like to have dinner and a few beers a couple times a year and that Karl is his new BFF (which is how he listed him on his phone). I'm sure this story will get bigger and better as time goes on.

We took Karl to St. Mary's about 6:30 p.m. local time. They were ready for him. In fact, it was the same floor Karl stayed for 2 months after his surgery 2 years ago. Two RNs there greeted him, hands on hips, saying "Karl, we're glad to see you, but not like this." Then one by one, nurses who cared for Karl stopped in to see him. It made him (and us) feel so good.

He is absolutely whipped and in a fair amount of pain, but I'm absolutely sure he's in the right place.

Thanks for your continued prayers. He sure needs them.

Love and blessings,



Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how happy I am that Karl is there and in the right place. He will get the care, and the attention he needs, and at the same, have some fun in the process with the people who have helped with his care before. Thanks for keeping us up on what is going on, and I continue to pray GOD'S best for the three of you, and HIS healing for Karl. Love, Cathy Jenkins

Anonymous said...

Kerry...what else can one say besides Oh My God. There's a reason that doctor at U of M Hospital couldn't/wouldn't help Karl - he NEEDED to be there with people that know him and apparently love him!! We're all praying for you three and your family, but I do have one question...did you buy anything fun when you and Suzie went shopping without Karl on his vacation?? LOL That made me laugh outloud!! Hugs and love!!


Cindy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cindy said...

Will try this again....guess I deleted the first post...WHATEVER!
Anyways, I agree with Char, OMG! But you are in the right place now to get the treatment Karl deserves!
Didn't know that Rochester MN was such a popular vacation spot! We will be looking for our post card in the mail any time now!!

Positive thoughts and prayers for you ALL!
God's Peace

Anonymous said...

Hang in there karrrlllll....we are thinking of you. The Carr

Anonymous said...

Kerry, I was sharing this post with Eric and he smiled while saying "Karl is where they don't know the word can't". Well, ain't that the truth!!

Anonymous said...

Your sense of humor is always such a lift. I love it. If anyone needs a fix cause there feeling down, call Karl. I'm glad your there in good hands. I'm here praying for you and loving you.