Hammy's Slideshow

Monday, July 26, 2010

Holding steady

Today Karl had treatment #3 of hydrotherapy on the decubitus ulcer on both his rear and right foot. They have been working wonderfully. In fact, late yesterday afternoon when the plastics docs came in to examine him, they were VERY happy with how it had worked. It has been debriding the wound well and shows good signs of healing. They will continue this treatment another 2-3 days before they think about doing any kind of surgery to repair the wounds.

As far as his MRSA infection goes, this morning I asked Teresa, his physician's assistant how concerned we should be and whether the antibiotics were working. She said his white counts were good and she's very encouraged. She also said this morning that after consulting with the endocrine team, they think his pituitary and adrenal glands are lazy -- they aren't working because they don't have to. They think the additional prednazone and other steroids he's been getting have sent signals to those glands that they don't need to produce anything. So they're not. They believe before he leaves the hospital he probably won't need steroids. For the time being, however, they're going to keep him on them to help fight the infections.

We still have no word on the results of the biopsy. They said it could be 2-3 more days before they receive any word. I will tell you that aside from the pain Karl has deep in his back, he's very comfortable. He feels at home and very very confident in the care he's receiving. More caregivers Karl had two years ago stopped in today to visit him. They hug him and Mom and me, as well. Yesterday I was trying to track down his nurse for the day to tell her to have a good vacation (it was shift change) and just before I turned the corner, I heard his nurse from the night before ask her, "How's Karl today?" It's also interesting to note how many people show up when Karl has to be transferred from his bed to the gurney so he can receive his hydrotherapy treatment. Four people can do the job, but there's normally five or six.

Since we can't be near our family and friends for hugs and visits (and home-cooked food [and fresh vegetables from my garden]), I think we're pretty blessed to have the wonderful, caring staff at St. Mary's/Mayo Clinic. I thank God for them every day.

For those of you who read the blog regularly, I made the long journey home today. I was pretty torn about this decision, but with the encouragement of both Karl and Mom, I'm going on a golf vacation in northern Michigan with my husband and 3 other couples as planned. I will take a laptop and give blog updates, but they may not be as frequent. But please know we all appreciate your concern, prayers and love.



1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'm thinking of you buddy! I didn't know you went back to pester all those nurses and doctors again! LOL I just picked myself off the ground from laughing at all your comments over on the right hand side of your blog. Thanks for making me laugh! Today is that much better now because of you! Give'm all your piss and viniger and get back home so we can bbq out at the bike shop!

Love ya brother!

Bob Schultz