It has been a long weekend and not a very good start of the week for poor Karl. He hasn’t been able to eat and has been nauseated since Friday night. The only relief he gets is when he sleeps. Thankfully he sleeps a lot. Doctors have put him back on IV nutritional supplements and have given him back his dilaudid push button. Ann, the reiki practitioner said she could sense something wasn’t right in his stomach area and after working on him, felt she had helped.
About 6:30 p.m. eastern time the intestine/bowel doctor gave us the results of a CT scan Karl had earlier today – his small intestine is partially blocked and has a "kink" in it. The doctor said this is something that will most likely work itself out without any additional measures, but to avoid the possibility of surgery, they’d like to put a nasal/gastro (feeding) tube back in place. This will likely give Karl immediate relief because they can drain the pooled fluid. The doctor also said this would likely straighten out the kink quicker, too.
The not-so-good news is that Karl will need another X-ray like the one in which they dropped him (not a pleasant memory) in order to put the tube in place properly AND he’ll have to be awake for the procedure. So it’s decision time. Karl will need to decide either tonight or tomorrow morning as to whether we wants to wait it out or have the tube put in place.
In the meantime, the physical therapists put Karl in a harness-type apparatus that enables a crane-type machine to lift him into place over a Medi-chair. The chair is in a reclined position when Karl is first placed into it and then the back straightens up and the legs go down so he’s in a sitting position. It’s pretty slick and while it wears Karl out, he says it’s not too painful. However, since he’s not been feeling well, they’ve suspended this activity since Friday.
Prayer warriors: I ask that you pray for Karl’s continued healing, the relief of his pain and nausea, that his intestine “straightens up” and that God be with the doctors who treat him. You are all so integral to his improved condition. Again, thank you for loving Karl so much and for all your prayers.
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
1 John 4:7-8, 11-12
It was good to see there was an update today. You have been so diligent Kerry with keeping us informed. I must say I feel like I went through a bit of a withdrawl with your little break.
I'm sorry to hear I will pray that the kink will work itself out and the gastric tube won't be necessary.
Thank you so much for always reminding all of us of God's goodness and love.
You Karl and your mom have been such a great inspiration.
Love you all, Marcy
We are sorry to hear of the "little bump " in Karl's recovory but we are sure he will over come this one, too. Hope Susie is taking care of herself we worry about her. You are all three in our prayers. We sure enjoyed Joe's visit> Next time he comes home you 3 will be able to
party with him too. Give Karl our love, love to all of you, b
Kerry, Im so sorry Karl has another situation to deal with but its just a little curve and I will pray that he has the strength to stay strong and that he can get some relief soon. I sure do like the postings to keep us informed of what is going on. I will keep praying for Karl and am sending him love and hugs from afar. Thank goodnes you and your mom are there with him that has to give Karl some peace....Love Becky
Hi Kerry, Susie and Karl,
Try not to be dismayed by the small setbacks, although it's hard to hear that Karl, or anyone, is uncomfortable and in pain. I guess these recoveries are just big steps ahead and then occasionally, small steps back, until the next big jump forward. Try to look at the BIG picture and what a success this has already been! We are proud of and inspired by the strength in all three of you.
Much love, Stacey, Tim and family
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