Hammy's Slideshow

Monday, February 7, 2011

Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong

Joe Cocker sings Feeling Alright, which are about the only words in the song that I can understand. Joe also sings With a Little Help From My Friends. Same thing. I can discern "I get by," which, of course precedes the song title. Most of the rest of his song lyrics sound something like "Omm nottfeeellintoo oood mnmniselv." You know what I'm talking about. Kinda like Ozzy Osbourne only a little easier to understand with less screaming.

The important words, "feeling alright" and "I get by with a little help from my friends," describe how Karl's doing right now. Each day he's been traveling to Herrick Medical Center where he's receiving his antibiotic infusions and making friends with the nurses and staff there. The daily trips are making him stronger because he has to get in and out of his wheelchair. During the so-called blizzard last week, Mom and Karl stayed with Randy and me so he could get to the hospital. We were afraid their country road would be drifted shut, which it was.

Last week we met with Dr. Scheutze whose medical assistant removed the stitches in his long incision. The shorter one has a small amount of fluid leaking, which they think is because he's been stretching and perhaps tearing the stitches a bit. Karl's getting a CT scan Wednesday and we will meet with Dr. Scheutze again on Thursday to see how it's healing.

Dr. Winder from Mayo called Karl to see how things were going. He said the nurses and staff there were asking about him. Of course we've been wondering about everyone there as well, namely Joline and Elizabeth. We hope all is well! Just remember what Joe Cocker sings, "Loveliftsusupwherrrre we beelong."

