Hammy's Slideshow

Monday, May 19, 2008

More inspiration

Every day we are touched by the kindnesses offered by people we know and by those we don't know who have expressed good wishes and sent prayers Karl's way. Karl was expecially touched when Erica Sellers sent an FC Dallas soccer team's hat, shirt and autographed ball. He has since done a little research and found them to be extremely popular in Texas. Apparently there are people in Dallas who would give their right arm for the souvenirs she sent Karl. But below is a letter sent to us by Jamie Pliscofsky, a former FC Dallas colleague of Erica's. We thought it was so nice of her to send this note. And we also thought everyone would enjoy seeing her uplifting message. It sure brought tears to our eyes! Thanks Jamie...for everything.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mayo on the side

On Wednesday, Karl and I went to a "routine" check-up with Dr. Schuetze. Having never gone through this process, we both questioned what would take place. Boy, were we surprised.

One physician's assistant (PA) asked Karl how his pain was and was delighted to hear the effect the chemotherapy was having. Another PA came in and checked Karl over a bit...she looked at the strength in is feet and legs and deemed there was an improvement. She, too, was very happy with the progress and relief caused by the chemotherapy. Then she announced that Dr. Biermann would be coming by to discuss some options.

Soon after, Dr. Biermann came in, told Karl she heard he was responding well to the chemo and declared this was integral to his future treatment. Dr. Biermann then gave us some jaw-dropping news. She said she had discussed Karl's case with a colleague she knows at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. His name is Dr. Michael Yaszemski (Dr. Y) (http://www.mayoclinic.org/bio/12561827.html) and he is skilled and experienced at performing the type of surgery Karl needs. Dr. Biermann said that because the tumor is located on the upper part of Karl's sacrum and because many nerves are located in that particular area, she asked Dr. Y if he would take the case. Dr. Y agreed!

You may be thinking that this sounds like a very serious thing. Well, it is. Dr. Biermann explained that this surgery is very complicated -- that Karl would have incisions both front and back in order to move organs and nerves out of the way while they remove and reconstruct the affected part. Karl will have a long period of physical therapy after recovering from surgery. Obviously, this is all pretty darned scary.

But here's the fantastic news: Dr. Y is willing to do this because it is a CURATIVE approach. Dr. Biermann said that five years ago, this approach was not available. Needless to say, we feel very blessed...first, that Dr. Biermann actually knew someone that could do this; second, because she asked if he would do it; third, because Dr. Y said he'd take the case; fourth, because Karl has health insurance that will pay for most of this; and finally and most importantly, because God is with us.

We really know no other details except that the good folks at U-M are trying to set up an appointment for us to meet with Dr. Y sometime the week of May 19. In the meantime, Karl will have to undergo three more rounds of chemotherapy, the first of which starts Monday.

So, keep praying and keep the faith. Karl has been given an opportunity to BEAT this. With your support and prayers and a lot of hill-climbing on Karl's part, he will beat this because after all, Karl is a climber.


As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.

Psalms 18:30