Hammy's Slideshow

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
All losses are restored and sorrows end. ~William Shakespeare

One doesn't know, till one is a bit at odds with the world, how much one's friends who believe in one rather generously, mean to one. ~D.H. Lawrence

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~Albert Schweitzer

And finally, to quote the great Kazakstanian poet Borat, "Wah wah we wah!"

I think you could easily say that the circumstances of our family over the past few weeks have been rare and/or exceptional. But we have also discovered that we have exceptional and rare friends and relatives. Let me give you a few more adjectives: outstanding, remarkable, extraordinary!

The first three quotes above, I think, express how important your friendships are to our general well-being. You have given us the opportunity to talk, cry, vent, EAT, and laugh. We can't begin to thank you enough.
The purpose of the Borat quote is to describe how we all feel about Karl's workplace family. I think it bears repeating: Wah wah we wah! Translation: WOW!
As a great example of outstanding support, many of Karl's Adrian Steel family -- the A-Team as they call themselves -- gathered on Saturday, April 26 to surprise "Brother Karl" by raking, trimming, mowing and tidying his yard. I didn't do a count, but there must have been 20 people, including spouses and children, who worked very hard throughout the morning. Karl was very surprised and deeply touched (as we all were). You guys are great! Many thanks.

Top to bottom: Mike, Jess Adam, Rick, Karl & Roger; Princess, Karen, Mike & Adam; Quinn, Karen's grandson; Tom, Kristin, Elizabeth, Brian, Karl, Mark, Princess, Jess & Gina; Rick, Gina & Kristin; the young A-Team; the gang hard at work.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Karl, how are you feeling?

If you ask my husband how Karl is feeling, he will tell you, "With his hands." My advice is don't ask Randy how Karl is feeling!

Actually, there's more good news...Karl is FEELING! He has feeling in his left leg and foot (which is quite painful at times). But that's the good news...HE HAS FEELING! Until earlier this week, his left side had been numb, stretching from his rear-end to the tips of his toes. With the first week of chemotherapy completed, he will have two weeks for it to continue its magic. He will then receive another course of chemotherapy along with another two-week recovery period before they find out how much the tumor has shunk.

Karl is also catching up on a lot of the sleep he missed over the past few months. But that's a good thing. The chemo has, expectedly, tired him out. We are relieved that he can sleep with minimal pain (and has even slept on a bed)!

We are so thankful for your prayers, good wishes, food, and of course, hats! All tolled, they have given us many laughs, much comfort, and the knowledge that God gives us little miracles each day -- He blesses us with friends and family like you who keep us strong.

Love and peace,


Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's working

Karl wanted me to let you all know that the chemo is working! For the past two nights he has slept through the night. That hasn't happened in months! The pain in his lower back has subsided tremendously -- to the point where he has been able to miss some doses of his break-through medication. When he told the nurse this morning, she nodded and a little smile crept across her lips. We are certain that your prayers and good thoughts have had a huge impact. As I write this, I'm watching Karl comfortably sleep in a cozy lounge chair as he receives hydration intraveneously before the chemo drip begins.

Keep on praying -- it's working!

With great appreciation,

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chemo Sabe

Let me start this blog post by saying how touched we are by your emails, conversations, blog comments, meals, hats and other correspondences. We feel so blessed to have so many caring, concerned and prayerful friends and relatives. Thank you all so much...from the bottom of our hearts.

Most of you probably remember "The Lone Ranger," right? The Lone Ranger always got credit for saving the damsel from a blood-thirsty savage, or rescuing a family from cattle rustlers or fending off and then catching train robbers. With a wave of his hand and a "Hi-ho Silver," he was off to the next adventure. Meanwhile, the Lone Ranger's trusted sidekick, Tonto (Kemo Sabe), took the worst beatings and got clean-up detail. In other words, he did all the dirty work. Tonto didn't get much of the glory, but without him, the Lone Ranger would have never won the day.

Today, Karl began an adventure nothing like that of the Lone Ranger. There is one similarity, however...his trusty sidekick will be ifosfamide/adriamycin, or rather, Chemo Sabe. His Chemo Sabe isn't quite as nice as Tonto -- there will be some less-than-pleasant side-effects (like hair loss and possible nausea among other stuff) -- but the results should be the same. Unlike the Lone Ranger, Karl may have to take a few punches, but with Chemo Sabe on his side and all your support and prayers, we know he will win the day.

Now for the nitty gritty details of what's happened so far this week. On Monday the 14th, Karl had a double access chest port implanted (Karl, ever the motor-head, believes it's a 4-quart duel port med injection with a 3/4 cam hemi). The port will allow him to receive chemotherapy and other medications without having numerous needle pokes while giving good access to a major artery so that they can be circulated quickly. It can stay implanted for up to three years. The procedure to implant the port took about 2 hours. After that, we traveled to the oncologist for a follow-up visit. He gave us some very good news: the PET scan on Wednesday revealed that
CANCER HAS NOT SPREAD!! After some bloodwork, we departed for St. Joe's so that Mom could have her radiation treatment (only two weeks to go)!

Today (Tuesday the 15th) Karl and I arrived at the Med Inn for his first chemotherapy infusion. The actual infusion of the ifosfamide and adriamycin takes about an hour and a half. However, because they are such powerful drugs, he needs to be hydrated thoroughly so he receives a bag of potassium chloride before and one after the chemo infusions. He also receives a small bag of mesna before and after. This drug protects the lining of his bladder, which the chemo apparently attacks with voracity. After the last of the potassium chloride is infused, he takes more mesna, only this time orally. This allows us to go home at a decent hour (today we got there at 8 a.m. and left at 5 p.m.). This routine will be repeated every day this week including Saturday.

We also received lots of information and instruction on the myriad medications he's taking and will be taking in the near future. He was pretty groggy from all the pain medication he's now on, but I was listening very intently and taking very good notes. The gist here is that -- finally -- he has to listen to and follow the directions of his big sister. Bahahahaha!

Anyway, we're hoping the Chemo Sabe will work its magic and shrink the tumor to relieve some of Karl's pain in very short order. The nurses told us he should probably notice reduction in pain by the third or fourth treatment. With your support, prayers and continued faith along with Chemo Sabe's deadly attack on the tumor, Karl will not only win the battle but the war!

Love and blessings,

Monday, April 7, 2008

Karl's Anthem

So today I Googled "No Hill for a Climber" and up popped a You Tube video that's posted to the right (or click here.) Karl, Mom and I listened and when the chorus began, we all began smiling. I think you will, too. It's perfect.


Hammy Hat Club

Due to fact that hair loss is in my very near future, I decided to have a bit of fun with it and extend an invitation to participate in the "Hammy Hat Club." For every new hat I receive, I will post a picture wearing it, and at the end of my treatments we will have a vote of which one is the most "distinctive."

Please drop off at or send to:

Karl Hamilton
c/o Smith Family
2686 Coachlite Dr.
Tecumseh, MI 49286